Here is a link courtesy of Florian Meindl to all four of his current mixes-all are top quality:
You are currently attending school in London, how is that going and what are you studying?
I study music technology and I am in my second year, it is the London School of Music. At the moment I find it very hard, because I have to fly away each weekend and have to produce my own music as well... it's very stressful.
You had twelve releases last year and only seven (so far... ) this year. Does school interfere with the amount of time you can devote to DJ'ing, producing, and running your own record label?
Of course, if I was just a dj and producer life would be much easier, but I want to develop further! I don't know where it will lead me, but there are many interesting ways I could go in the future!
Are there any releases from your 2008 schedule that you think American audiences should especially take note of?
No, I think taste of music varies individually from person to person not from country to country. ok there are definitely more minimal techno listeners in Germany than in the USA, but everybody has to decide individually what they like!
How was your mini-tour of America last year? Anything surprise you (or not surprise you) about playing in America? Do you have plans to come back again soon? Did you have to change your music or your programming for any audiences in America?
Well there were a lot of things which were different from Europe of course, but it would fill a little book maybe! I didn't change my DJ set, but the audience were completely different than European crowds... They are much more mixed up, minimal seems to be pretty fresh and totally underground in the States and the people were very excited and open minded about it!
You are best known to American audiences for your 2006 remix of "Push Push". Tell our readers a little bit about the advantages and disadvantages of working with a DJ/production and record label partner-in this case Oliver Koletzki.
At that time the advantage was that we both could learn a lot from each other! The funny thing in this case ["Push Push"] was I did the whole basic track and the melodies, but there was something wrong. I couldn't figure out what it was at that time, because I didn't have much experience with melodies. Oliver then came after about 10 hours work and changed the whole pitch two half tones up and everything was perfect! Then we finished the track together and a great electro version of "Push Push" was the result!
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